Traditional Rock Climbing can seem complicated and confusing to those new to climbing!
What gear do you need? what do the climbing grades mean? what is lead climbing or seconding?
Traditional Rock Climbing requires a Lead climber and a second. The lead climber climbs first, putting nuts, hexes or cams into cracks and breaks in the rock as they climb. They then attach, quickdraws to allow themselves to clip in the rope so the second climber can belay them until they reach the top and make themselves secure.
On our introduction to trad climbing day, we will look at gear/equipment, gear placing and removal, guidebooks and grades, safety and etiquette, lead belaying, climbing calls and seconding.
We will climb a variety of routes, starting easy and working our way up having you second and topping out each climb. By the end of the day you will be more knowledgeable on climbing gear, good placements and removal, you will have developed your lead belaying skills and have seconded a number of routes, taking you confidently closer to leading your own trad climbs one day.
Who for?
Those With Climbing experience who have climbed indoors or attended one of our intro to rock climbing sessions (indoor or outdoor). Can belay on a top rope and want to make that next step in to trad rock climbing.